Down Syndrome Ireland - Louth / Meath Branch

Down Syndrome Ireland – Louth / Meath Branch


Thank you for your support

Down Syndrome Ireland is the voice of people with Down syndrome and their families throughout Ireland. We provide a wide range of vital services that enhance the lives of thousands of children and adults with Down syndrome.

We rely on the generosity of people like you and really do appreciate any amount that you can afford to donate – Thank you so much!

Please include your name & indicate what the payment is for so that we can account properly for the payment

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What your payment is for?

Please find below our Branch Bank Account Details if you wish to lodge directly into our Bank Account. Please include your name and label it so that we can account for it properly.

Our Bank Details are:

AIB Grafton Street

Sort Code 93 10 47

A/c 49363006


IBAN: IE33 AIBK 9310 4749 3630 06

Account Name: Down Syndrome Louth Meath

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