Contractor Role
Speech & Drama Teacher
Down Syndrome Ireland Louth Meath Branch Details
Down Syndrome Ireland Louth Meath Branch provides support and information to over 350 families with a family member with Down syndrome in the counties of Louth & Meath. The Branch is run on a voluntary basis by member families with the support of a part-time administrator and is one of 25 Branches linked to the national office of Down Syndrome Ireland. The Louth Meath Branch believes in supporting families to ensure the best quality of life possible for its members with Down syndrome. It works with families, united in the aim to achieve respect, acceptance and equality within society for its members with Down syndrome.
Branch activities are funded mainly through charitable donations with small support through public grants.
About the Role
The Louth Meath Branch is seeking to hear from enthusiastic and suitably qualified speech and drama teachers.
Classes are held on Saturday mornings in Drogheda for 1 to 2 hours. There are 10 members in the present group and they are very enthusiastic and love drama and music.
The Speech and Drama teacher will
Who you are? Characteristics
The ideal person will
Skills, background & Qualification
The teacher will have
Remuneration and Benefits
The contract rate of pay is per class
Rate of pay will be negotiated with the successful applicant
Please forward expressions of interest, including experience to date, and contract details for review to:
Contact will be made to discuss contracts and experience. We may also ask to speak to previous clients for feedback.
Please respond by Friday 18th November 2022
Contractor Role
Early Intervention Home Teaching
Down Syndrome Ireland Louth Meath Branch Details
Down Syndrome Ireland Louth Meath Branch provides support and information to over 350 families with a family member with Down syndrome in the counties of Louth & Meath. The Branch is run on a voluntary basis by member families with the support of a part-time administrator and is one of 25 Branches linked to the national office of Down Syndrome Ireland. The Louth Meath Branch believes in supporting families to ensure the best quality of life possible for its members with Down syndrome. It works with families, united in the aim to achieve respect, acceptance and equality within society for its members with Down syndrome.
Early intervention (EI) specialists are contracted to deliver an Early Intervention Home Teaching Programme for pre-school children (aged from 1 year to 6 years) with Down syndrome in the counties of Louth and Meath. This programme was established by the Louth Meath Branch in 1982 to provide essential early intervention support to young children within their local communities. The programme is managed on a completely voluntary basis by members of the Branch who are themselves the parents of children with Down syndrome.
The scheme is funded mainly through charitable donations with small support through public grants.
About the Role
The Louth Meath Branch is seeking to hear from enthusiastic and suitably qualified service providers who can offer early intervention support to its youngest members.
This contract would suit an early childhood professional who is committed to supporting infants and preschool children with Down syndrome to reach their full potential. The service provider will join a small team of other EI home teaching contractors dedicated to supporting young children within the Louth Meath Branch. The service provider will liaise directly with member families and visit infants and preschool children with Down syndrome in their homes across the counties of Louth and Meath.
The Early Intervention Home Teaching Contractor will
Who you are? Characteristics
The ideal service provider will
Skills, background & Qualification
The ideal service provider will
Desirable Skills
The service provider will
Remuneration and Benefits
The contract rate is €81 per home visit.
The service provider should be able to start immediately and the contract will extend until the end of June 2023 initially.
Please forward expressions of interest, including experience to date, and contract details for review to:
Contact will be made to discuss contracts and experience. We may also ask to speak to previous clients for feedback.
Please respond by Friday 21st October 2022