Parent Link



Down Syndrome Ireland LouthMeath Branch run Parent link a support network for new parents giving advice and relevant information to new parents.  Parent Link is a voluntary support and information service for new parents of babies with Down Syndrome in Louth and Meath and the surrounding areas. We are parents of children with Down Syndrome and trained in Parent Link by Down Syndrome Ireland. As parents we are familiar with the feelings and reactions of having a child with Down Syndrome in the family.

New parents living in:

County Louth/Meath should contact Sirpa Makinen on  086 8614970

County Louth/Meath should contact Eleanor Cosgrove on 087 667 1393

Information, help and advice for new and expectant parents and families can be got from

“…more than medical

To celebrate this year’s World Down Syndrome Day 2019 – Down Syndrome Ireland has launched some resources which challenge outdated ideas about Down syndrome and instead provide an insight into the realities of family life with a baby, child, teenager or adult with Down syndrome in Ireland today. 
“…more than medical” was launched on World Down Syndrome Day (Thursday, March 21st 2019).
The booklet includes a combination of experiences from our family and adult members from around the country and will be distributed free-of-charge to our nationwide network of 25 branches, to maternity and children’s hospitals across the country and HSE Early Intervention Teams.
The booklet is a resource for parents with a pre or postnatal diagnosis of Down syndrome for their baby. It will also be an essential tool for professionals and healthcare workers to ensure complete and balanced information is provided to all parents.
To complement the launch of “..more than medical” we will also launch a video for new parents – ‘Having a child with Down syndrome’.