Down Syndrome Ireland - Louth / Meath Branch

Down Syndrome Ireland – Louth / Meath Branch

Sibling support – Sibshop Workshop

We have organised a Sibling Support Workshop for our Branch. 

Saturday 2nd September 2023 in Drogheda Presbyterian Church from 2.00 – 4.30 pm.  

The Workshops are carried out by Liz Fitzpatrick & Linda Foley, both Nurses working with children with an Intellectual disability. They are qualified Sibshop Facilitators and run Sibshop workshops which are afternoons of fun for siblings of children with special needs. Please see attached leaflet.

As well as having lots of fun it provides a great opportunity for siblings to get together and chat about some of the difficulties and the positives of having a sibling with Special Needs.

The workshops are for our member’s Siblings aged between 7 & 13 and the members with Down Syndrome should be over 2.5 years old so that the Siblings can see and understand that their brother or sister has special needs.

These Sibshops are free to our members.

Please reply to or text Brendan at 083 8972044 to register your intention to attend.

Place on each workshop is limited to 12 and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

“SIBSHOP WORKSHOPS (duration 2.5 hours)

Sibshops are fun workshops for siblings of children with special needs. We run them on weekend afternoons or during school holidays. They are lively, with games and discussions. We also prepare a snack and/ or make pizzas with the children.

As well as having lots of fun it provides a great opportunity for siblings to get together and chat about some of the difficulties and the positives of having a sibling with special needs.

The workshops are aimed at children aged between 8-12 years with a maximum of 12 children in the group recommended as we find this works best in order to give all the children a chance to contribute to the discussions and games. Their sibling with special needs should be over 2 and a half years old so that they can see and understand that their brother or sister has special needs.”

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