Rock Your Socks 4 DSILMB

The World Down Syndrome Day #RockYourSocks #LotsOfSocks4DSI campaign exists to raise awareness of Down syndrome. All you need to do is choose some socks that are going to get noticed. Get your friends, classmates and colleagues to join in too. World Down Syndrome Day is Tuesday 21st March and we in Down Syndrome Ireland Louth Meath Branch invite you … Read more Rock Your Socks 4 DSILMB


INVITATIONWORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY COFFEE MORNINGWe are organising a World Down Syndrome Day Coffee Morning and get-together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.When: Saturday 25th March 2023Time: 11 AM – 1:30 PMTheme: Rock your SocksAll you need to do is choose some socks that are going to get noticed – they might be mismatched socks … Read more WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY COFFEE MORNING