Down Syndrome Ireland - Louth / Meath Branch

Down Syndrome Ireland – Louth / Meath Branch


Reminder: Wednesday 3rd April @ 7pm.

Hi All

Aoife Gaffney, National Employment & Projects Officer and Rosalind Walsh, Adult Education Officer from Head Office are visiting the Branch.

They will visit on Wednesday 3rd April @ 7pm in the Conyngham Arms Hotel Slane to give a talk to interested members.  They will present on the entire Ability Programme (Latch On, MOTE, Work Skills) and talk in more detail then about Work Skills and employment links.



Down Syndrome Ireland’s Ability programme was launched in September 2018 and is aimed at providing further education and preparation for employment for our over 18s. The programme has been developed in conjunction with Accenture, a global management consultancy firm and with the support of funding from Pobal.

In its complete format, the programme runs for 4 days per week from September to June for 2 years with modules in Practical Literacy and Technology; Decision Making, Rights and Responsibilities; Work Skills and preparation for employment.

Louth/Meath branch will run and subsidise the programme from September 2019 if there is sufficient interest. Location will depend on the level of interest. It is an option to run just parts of the programme and this may suit members who have already completed Latch on and Mote programmes who would prefer to do the only Work Skills module. Again, it will depend on demand.

Planning for a class in September 2019 must begin NOW. If you are interested in any way or would like more details, please contact;

Geraldine Regan, 087 8157542, or

Audrey O’Dowd, 086 0537177,

Expression of interest is not a commitment to enrolling in the programme.

Further details in the attached flyer and also in the current Down Syndrome Ireland magazine.

Adult Education & Employment Scheme 2018 3 (1)

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