Down Syndrome Ireland - Louth / Meath Branch

Down Syndrome Ireland – Louth / Meath Branch

Christmas Party Invite

We have sent out our invitations for the Branch Christmas Parties by email. Enclosed were:

1.     Invitation to the Children’s Christmas Party (for 0 – 12 year olds) on Sunday, 15th December 2019RSVP by Saturday 7th December, and the invitation to the Christmas Party for Teenagers/Adults on Saturday 14th December 2018RSVP by Monday 9th December.  Members families of young teenagers can choose which is the most appropriate party for their teenager

2.     Membership Renewal Form 2020.  The membership fee this year is €20. Membership for children under 2 years of age is free.  Please ensure that you return the attached form with your membership, so that we have up to date information for all our families.  Families availing of any service or activity are required to have current membership.

The Louth Meath Branch send regular emails, at least 2 each month, so if you do not receive these emails please contact the secretary to update your contact details. 

Down Syndrome Ireland Christmas Cards are available from Committee Members and will also be available at the Branch Christmas Parties.

We wish to thank all committee members, officers and everyone who organised events or activities for the branch during the year – these are parents of people with Down Syndrome who give of their time, on a voluntary basis to improve the lives of people with Down Syndrome in counties Louth and Meath area

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