Down Syndrome Ireland - Louth / Meath Branch

Down Syndrome Ireland – Louth / Meath Branch

DSI Christmas Cards for 2019

The Branch has received its allocation of DSI Christmas Cards for 2019.

Cards are available for purchase from Brendan on, 083 8972044, Ellie on email, 087 6671393 or from any Committee Member.

Cards cost 
Member designed cards (4 designs per pack) in packs of 12 @ €6.00 per pack
Small box of 10 cards (1 design per box) @ €7.00 per pack
Small Cello Packs of 10 cards (1 design per pack) @ €7.00 per pack
* NEW * Christmas Bonus Box of 30 Assorted Cards (16cm square) @ €8.00 per pack

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