Down Syndrome Ireland - Louth / Meath Branch

Down Syndrome Ireland – Louth / Meath Branch

Fun With Numbers

“Fun with Numbers” has starting up again.

We run “Fun with Numbers” Sessions each week.  There are 2 sessions per week on Mondays and Thursdays.
We are starting again on Monday 13th and Thursday 16th of September.

We have set up the following age groupings however if your child’s age falls outside these categories we will still try to accommodate.
Junior Group Ages   8-11 – 4pm Mondays
Senior Group Ages 12 and up – 
5.30pm Thursdays

The thought is that Deirdre will target older children on a Thursday and younger children on a Monday, however all children are welcome to participate in either or both sessions each week if you think the content is suitable.

Down Syndrome Louth Meath will cover the cost of the sessions, so there will be no cost to parents for these sessions. The Sessions will run during the school terms as long as there is interest.

The students will need some materials ahead of the sessions, but Deirdre will let you know ahead of time what will be needed – it will all be inexpensive stuff that you may already have or can recycle around the house or will be able to get in the likes of Dealz. Deirdre will  also send links for printable materials, should any member not have access to a printer please contact us immediately when Deirdre posts links to printables and we can arrange to have them posted to you.

We have set up a WhatsApp group for each age group, so that Deirdre can fill you in on what materials are needed and send you the Zoom ID and password.  Deirdre posts a video each week explaining about materials required.

Please let me know if you would like your child to take part (if you have taken part before there is no need to register again). 
I will need the following details by return of email as soon as possible.

Child Name:Parents name and telephone number for WhatsApp Group:
Child’s age:
Email Address:

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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