Down Syndrome Ireland - Louth / Meath Branch

Down Syndrome Ireland – Louth / Meath Branch

50th Anniversary National Raffle through our local branch network

As part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations, we are holding a national raffle through our local branch network throughout Ireland. We have 25 branches across Ireland that offer a range of services and supports to children and adults with Down syndrome and their families.

The raffle will support the DSI community at a local level as well as helping further develop supports at a national level ensuring continued support to people with Down syndrome across the lifecycle.

Your support will help make a real difference to the lives of children and adults with Down syndrome.


1st Prize – A Hyundai i10 Classic
2nd Prize – A week stay in one of the iNua hotels
3rd Prize – €500 Dunnes Stores gift card

Seller’s prizes – Weekend break for 2 adults & 2 children in Kelly’s Resort Hotel & Spa in Wexford!
Tickets €10

To support your local branch, purchase your ticket by contacting the Branch on 0838972044 or or any Committee member.

If you would like to sell tickets on behalf of the Branch please contact Brendan on 0838972044 or

If you wish to buy online, we have a dedicated iDonate page for you to do so.

Please note that proceeds from Tickets bought on the iDonate link do not come to the Branches but to DSI Head office to support national projects. If you wish to support the Branches please buy the tickets from the Branches.

The draw will take place on November 19th, 2021.

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